Your winch isn't as strong as you think: Winch capacity by layer
Modern 4x4 winches boast some big load ratings from small packages; winches with a capacity of 12,000lbs or more can be plucked off the shelf cheaply at just about any 4x4 store. Given that your average four-wheel-drive weighs less than two-thirds of this, a 12,000lb winch should be more than enough for any 4x4, right?…
Continue readingReview: Offroad Animal Toro Bullbar for Toyota 70 series
As part of my new 2024 Toyota LC76 GXL build, I've gone with the Offroad Animal Toro bullbar, and now that it's on the vehicle I have to say I couldn't be happier with it.
Continue readingWhy your recovery hitch shackle should be vertical, not horizontal
99% of the time when you see a recovery hitch installed it is done horizontally, with the bow shackle hanging down. When putting your recovery hitch to work, though, this creates unnecessary stress and wear on your both your shackle and recovery strap eyelets. Here's why:
Continue readingToyota 2024 LC76 GXL 2.8L manual: Pre-modification review
The latest release of Toyota's iconic 70 series has been the subject of much debate in the 4x4 community, both in terms of positive additions and improvements, as well as long-running complaints that have yet again gone unresolved.
Continue readingWhy most 4x4 recovery gear ratings are useless, and finding what's not
A lot of big numbers get quoted on off-road recovery gear, but sometimes these might not mean what you think, and all too often they're just outright useless.
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UHF antenna sizes: Why big isn't always best, and is often worse
UHF antennas for 4x4s come in sizes ranging anywhere from a foot in height to 8 feet tall, but more antenna doesn't always mean more range. In fact when used in the wrong environment, the taller the antenna, the worse things get.
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All-terrain vs Mud-terrain tires; which is best for you?
They say "There are no solutions, only trade-offs", and this is certainly true of tires. No tire can be the best on-road and off, in the dry and wet, softest for the most grip and the most durable, and so on... So are MT or AT tires the best option for your four-wheel-drive?
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How to use a 4x4 recovery bridle, and mistakes to avoid
Many recovery points aren't rated for single-point recoveries, and are designed to be used with a bridle across two points to distribute the load. Improper use of bridles can still result in damaging your recovery points or vehicle though.
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How to wake up and charge a sleeping ("dead") LiFePO4 lithium battery
All too often, first-time LiFePO4 battery users connect loads to their battery and run it flat, only to find their brand new battery "won't charge" and is seemingly dead. They return their battery, only to have it given back to them working fine. So what was the problem?
Continue readingIs it worth using high octane premium petrol in your 4x4
The "regular vs high octane" petrol debate has been going strong for many years. Unfortunately, too often these debates are based on incorrect understandings and assumptions, and anecdotal "evidence" based on the same. So let's clear things up.
Continue readingDo you need a tire deflator for off-roading, and how to use one
As you start off-roading further afield, and into more complex terrain, tire pressure becomes a critical component of your off-road capability and safety. Loose services, rock-crawling, mud, or sand driving all require dramatically different pressures compared to tire pressure for the road.
Continue readingHow to add a solar panels to your 4x4 - Off-grid solar power introduction
Adding solar power to your 4x4 is a game changer for camping and extended trips; rechargeable lights, speakers, fridges, etc., can all be run indefinitely with a sufficient-sized battery and solar panels, as long as the sun is shining.
Continue readingHow fast will a UHF radio drain your battery on standby
If you're meeting up to explore somewhere new with friends this can often mean no phone reception, and needing your UHF radio to find each once you're in the vicinity. If you're there hours early though, how long can you leave your radio on without draining your battery?
Continue readingParallel vs series solar panels - Which is best for your 4x4
When connecting multiple panels, you have to decide between wiring them in series for double the voltage, or parallel for double the current, so which is better? From personal experience, I would make the case that parallel is the better solution for camping. Here's why:
Continue readingSeurasaari Island, Helsinki
Originally home to farmers and fishermen living off the area's natural resources, Seurasaari holds a collection of farmsteads, barns, homes, woodsheds, windmills, a church, boathouses, and fishing craft from as early as the late 1700s, to the mid-1900s.
Continue readingWhat is a rope dampener, and why you need one for 4x4 recoveries
In high load recoveries, e.g. deep mud creating suction, inclines, etc. the forces on winch cables, extension straps, kinetic ropes and recovery can be in excess of 2 tonnes (4,500lbs). If one of these breaks, the recoiling line can become a deadly projectile.
Continue readingWhat to take camping; a practical checklist
When getting into camping, it's easy to get gadget-fever with the amount of gear, tools, and accessories that are out there. This article aims to help you skip some of the unnecessary buys, and save your money for the useful stuff.
Continue readingStop hanging your winch rope outside your bull bar
This is going to rub a good chunk of four-wheel-drivers the wrong way, but here it is... Storing your winch rope outside your bull bar is foolish. Stop it.
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